It’s that extra special day of the year when we celebrate and appreciate moms. As a tribute to all mothers this Mother’s Day, we’ve invited Namita to share about her mompreneur journey and how she holds it all together, thanks to Helpling.
Namita is a lifestyle blogger, founder of Skin&BodyNaturals, and mom to Samaira, her 3-year-old daughter. With Helpling‘s home cleaning services that can be arranged in a few simple steps, she has more time to spend on the more important things in life, whether her business or her family.

Tell us more about you and your business! How did it start?
Namita: Back in India, I was a television anchor and radio host, capturing and reporting events. So I’ve always been in the creative industry and didn’t see myself in a 9-5 office job.
When I moved to Singapore with my husband, I actually had a full-time job as a digital marketer. But after I gave birth to my daughter, I started my microblogging journey on Instagram and then started my own business, Skin&BodyNaturals, so that I would have more time for my daughter. I’m a firm believer of gentle parenting and early childhood development, so I wanted to be readily available for my daughter.

H: Did you face any challenges in the process?
N: Absolutely. I had no support system here in Singapore, plus I was a first-time mom. My daughter couldn’t communicate with me and I was still understanding her as well. I had advice from others and from the Internet, but there was still a lot of anxiousness because each child is different.
Initially, I had my own inhibitions about my business too. I was in a foreign land and people didn’t know me yet, so I didn’t know if people would trust me and my products. But now I’m proud to say that I’ve gotten the trust of several Singaporean brands and also the support of my followers.

What would a day in the life of Namita, the mompreneur, look like?
Very, very busy.
When you’ve got a 3-year-old at home, it’s always a mad rush, especially in the mornings. I’ve got to get her ready for school, and after she’s off, it’s a little bit more peaceful at home. Then I put on the entrepreneur hat and have meetings with clients, collaborating with brands, and meeting deadlines.
Although I’m an entrepreneur, my daughter is still my priority. I’ve read that till the age of 5, the child’s brain grows exponentially, so I want to be available for my daughter and nurture her during these few important years and help her reach her fullest potential.
What are some of your proudest achievements as an entrepreneur?
I would say my proudest achievement is getting the trust and support of more people. As I’ve mentioned before, initially people didn’t know me and my products but now I’ve gotten more support from several brands and also my followers. Many have also started recognising my recommendations and content as well.

I think motherhood is an allegiance. Although I’m now based in Singapore, moms connect with me from all over the world and they can relate to the things I share about motherhood – even the pain points and the tough times. They engage with me and share their own stories and experiences as well. It’s all about inspiring others and getting inspired at the same time.
H: What do you think helped you achieve this success?
N: I think a big part of it is resilience. Because I’m a lifestyle blogger, I have to put in consistent effort to blog and create content that adds value for my readers. There’s a sense of accountability to my followers or anyone reading my content.
Although there might be bad days when things don’t go as planned, it’s all about bouncing back again and not being bogged down by small failures. I am constantly trying out new things and learning what works.
Another thing would be a positive mindset. I think it’s important to start the day with positivity as it’ll make you feel more charged and energised to do what you want to do.

Of course, I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of my husband. He’s been such a pillar in my life. He’d wake up at night to take care of our daughter, even though he has to go to work in the morning. When I wanted to start my own business, he motivated me to do it because he saw that I had a vision and the passion for it.
Since we all have the same 24-hours in a day, how do you allocate your time and juggle your different roles?
N: I’m a total planner. I completely believe in planning. Every night, I’ll list down the things I have to do for the next day. I’m always ready with a pen to check off the things that I’ve completed. Even though I might not always finish everything on my list because life with a 3-year-old is never predictable, I celebrate the small wins.
H: Any tips for moms out there on juggling different roles and time management?
N: Besides physically journalling and having a list of things to do, I start everyday with a peaceful prayer and yoga. I’d stand in front of the mirror and speak affirmations over myself out loud.

I’m big on self-care and me-time. I think everyone needs time for themselves, if not things will get overwhelming some day. Even though you might be juggling many roles, you have to put yourself first and have your own life.
Especially for moms, “mom guilt” is a common thing many of us face. But we shouldn’t feel guilty about investing in ourselves! You can’t pour from an empty cup so you have to surround yourself with positivity before you can love others. Spending time in nature really helps me to be more peaceful and calm so that could be one thing moms can try.
You can be everything at the same time, if you want to be. Businesswoman, mom, wife, daughter, friend – you can be everything simultaneously. You just have to plan your day and understand how to manage your time.

What can we look forward to from you this coming year?
N: Definitely I’ll be growing my content. I want to write about less-explored places in Singapore and more affordable activities for moms. My main focus will be health wellness and beauty.
Plus, since the COVID-19 situation is starting to ease, I’m planning on holding some virtual workshops on how to make handmade natural products, which is what Skin&BodyNaturals is all about. Besides being fun, it’s also a therapeutic experience to make something of your own.
Previously during the Circuit Breaker, I have had some requests but I wasn’t able to handle holding virtual workshops on my own. But I’ve been learning and I think I might be able to roll it out in the next few months! Tough times build tougher and more resilient people so exciting times are ahead!
You can follow Namita for more content on her Instagram page.
From all of us at Helpling, Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there!
Helpling is an online marketplace that connects our users with cleaning services supplied by our service providers. Our cleaning services have been highly rated by both locals and expats, including celebrity moms and mompreneurs.
With our easy-to-use website or app, you can book a part-time cleaner in just a few steps. No more waiting on quotes. Whether you want to spend more time bonding with your children or take a weekend off for some me-time, we’ll help you with the household chores so you can spend time on the things that matter more in life.
Want to try our 5-star quality service by our lovely helpers? Book now and get $20 off your first booking today!